Friday 30 March 2012

Have you given up with Internet Marketing yet?

Say, have you ever been sent an e-mail that really intrigued you so much that you opened it, and clicked on the link to discover how some so-called internet guru manages to “siphon” a large amount of money regularly into their bank account using some kind of “secret loophole”?
Yes, of course you have, we all have  many times probably! We all get dragged into yet another long one page sales letter with lots of bold statements and claims, photos of luxury homes and fast cars that we surmise are owned by the author, shots of supposedly genuine Click bank statements with “evidence” of wheelbarrow loads of cash shoved in daily, and reasons why the finder of this “underground” method is altruistically selling it to you  for only !
The sad thing is that these ubiquitous nasty brash sales sites selling “get rich quick” systems and software are often the first introduction many people get into the world of Internet Marketing. Yes, maybe if I saw one for the very first time, I would be tempted too. I suppose I would have thought myself lucky having “stumbled” on this “very secret site”. Maybe I would have dashed to get my credit card out of my wallet as this system, implying it could pour thousands daily into my account, was only available for the next 9 customers…and then the site was coming down!
The even sadder thing is that once many folk buy the product, many are disappointed by it, and either get a refund or simply take it on the chin and don’t bother, thinking Internet Marketing is simply not for them.
It’s a real shame as I know that it’s perfectly possible to make a good income from selling on the internet, and some  and I say some of the products sold with the hype-filled sales pages are actually perfectly useful tools or programs when you eventually get them.
But the strange thing is that many of the designers, writers or programmers of new Internet Marketing products get persuaded into selling using these crazy sales pages. They are similar in look, with graphics and buttons and phrases that seem to come from the same design agency.
Why don’t they appeal to the sensible, level headed people among us, and tell us exactly what their product is? If it’s for example article spinning software and an auto submitter, tell us! If it’s a basic Internet Marketing training program me with a few free sites thrown in, tell us! If it’s automatic back link submission software, then please, tell us! But oh, no, most new products have to be called daft titles such as “Auto Traffic Cash Extreme Siphon Empire” or some such nonsense with all the marketing catch phrases and gimmicks they think will make it successful.

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